In this section you will find a collection of online courses (MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses) that can help you to improve your marketing skills and your financial competences. You will also have the chance to enhance your business and networking strategies and to deepen your knowledge in the HR field.
All the suggested MOOCs are for free: you can easily attend all the lessons offered. Some MOOCs may require a contribution to obtain the Certificate of Completion of the course.
Business for WISEs MOOC introduces the key theories of innovation, models and approaches related to continuous competitive advantage through products, processes, utilizing technologies and through market practices. It offers key theories of marketing, models and practices of digital marketing and visibility.
Alternative Finance MOOC aims to help participants navigate the world of Alternative Finance and Fintech. The course introduces the key models and approaches related to raising finance from sources alternative to bank lending (crowdfunding, invoice trading, venture capital, business angels, fintech platforms).
Entrepreneurs without borders MOOC aims at introduce young people to new business development. It is addressed to people from anywhere in the world, particularly to students and young graduates who want to learn about new business development and to see if this is something for them.
Share food, cut waste MOOC is addressed to all those who are interested in reducing food waste and enhancing food security for people in need. Producers, food transformers, distributors, HoReCa enterprises and non-profit organizations, as well as consumers and citizens, can get new insights on food waste hierarchy, food donation, healthy and responsible patterns of food consumption, food banking.
This MOOC will start from discussing the elements of the Individual level of Strategy decision-making process, to then focus on the Business level. It will introduce the key theories, concepts, models and approaches related to Strategy at a Corporate, Business and Functional/Operational level.
This MOOC will introduce the basic accounting principles and accounting terminology; it will also provide the basis of management accounting and it will bring examples and case studies that will help students better understand the practical applications of the basic accounting principles and techniques.
This course introduces the key theories, concepts, models and approaches related to Organizational Design, Business Process Management and Decision Making Process Management. The MOOC has a strong practical orientation: illustration of typical organizational problems through real corporate examples will be used.
This MOOC will address the description and the classification of production and logistics systems, the methodologies and the indicators for measuring both their internal and external performances, and the techniques to conduct the most important planning processes.
This MOOC will describe how digital tools have impacted the fashion value chain. It will propose an analysis of the main evolutions experienced by different players in the fashion industry due to a series of key technologies as well as strategies and best practices to adapt to this new context.
This MOOC will introduce the most important concepts related to Supply Chain in the fashion industry, and illustrate strategies and techniques for effective Supply Chain Management.
This course will introduce the most important Branding concepts in the fashion sector with practical applications of branding strategies to the market.
This MOOC examines how the cultural and symbolic process is translated in the diffuse and multidimensional relationships underlying digital networks. In the specific case of fashion and creative industries, products and services acquire their symbolic meaning in the retail space, which can be lived both online and offline through a multichannel experience.
DigiMood Series: The series is aimed at developing and testing the offer of a set of innovative and interdisciplinary educational modules in “Digital Entrepreneurship for the Creative Industries”, with a specific application to the Fashion Industry, its companies’ branding, narrative strategies and the digital service models.
This MOOC will touch the topics of data-driven methods changing creative industries, data visualizations meant to obtain results and insights and Interactive Narratives basics to design and develop consistent scenarios for fashion brands.
Managing changes MOOC deals with the main dynamics related to personal and professional individual moments of change. Knowing the dynamics, it will be easier to be aware of emotions that any change brings. The course aims at explain how to face resistance more effectively and develop specific skills for managing the process of change with increased awareness and self-confidence.
In any social context, conflicts, as well as being inevitable, are also essential for grasping the potential of diversity and for growing as a person. Managing conflicts MOOC is addressed to all those who are interested in dealing with conflicts in a constructive way.
Teamwork is a highly valued skill in modern workplaces. Working in a team isn’t easy, but it can be learnt and improved continuously. Working in Multidisciplinary Teams MOOC, based on Bruce Tuckman’s model of group/team development, shows the different difficulties and challenges that groups/teams need to face during the different stages of their development in order to become a High-Performing Team.