Pitching your business idea


Pitching your business idea


Pitching is a simple and straightforward methodology that everybody can use to craft a persuasive presentation to pitch an audience and win funding. The collective webinar is organized in two online sections (duration of each section 2 hours) and a self-study time in between:

  • 1° section: on Wednesday 16 March at 16 CET time| it will focus on the strategy of pitching

Self-study and pitch preparation

  • 2° section: on Thursday 31 March at 11 CET time| 3 entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to pitch their idea and have direct feedback from the lecturer and the audience.

The aim of the webinars is to improve the communication capacities of the multicultural entrepreneurs by creating a powerful presentation of their business and capture investors’ attention. The webinar will be guided by Maurizio La Cava, a presentation strategist and founder of MLC Presentation Design Consulting. Registration open: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AyJ9D8fqQa6vOy0wE2hokw

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